105-Year-Old Woman Finally Graduates from Stanford After 83-Year Wait.

Ryan Chilton Aug 12, 2024
72 People Read
105-year-old Stanford graduate, stanford, graduate inspiring story, inspiring story, good news

At Stanford University’s 2024 graduation ceremony, the spotlight was on a remarkable individual who has truly defied the odds. Virginia Hislop, at the extraordinary age of 105, completed her master’s degree in education—83 years after she first set foot on the campus. Her story is one of perseverance, dedication, and an undying passion for learning.

In 1940, Virginia was a young student at Stanford, working towards her master’s degree. However, her academic journey took an unexpected pause when the United States entered World War II. With her fiancé, George, called to serve, Virginia quickly shifted her focus from academia to supporting the war effort on the home front. Marriage and family soon followed, and Virginia’s dreams of finishing her degree were put on hold.

Despite this detour, Virginia’s commitment to education never wavered. She continued to work in the field, contributing to various school boards and advocating for better educational opportunities. Her bachelor’s degree in education served as a foundation for a lifelong career dedicated to teaching and learning.

Years later, Virginia discovered that the master’s thesis requirement for her degree had been removed. Seizing the opportunity, she decided to return to Stanford. In June of this year, she finally walked across the stage, diploma in hand, cheered on by her proud grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Stanford Dean Daniel Schwartz praised Virginia’s achievement, highlighting how her journey embodies a deep-seated commitment to education. “For a lot of people, the degree is a badge of accomplishment,” Schwartz said, “and it was great to celebrate someone who cared so much about learning and dedicated her lifetime to other people’s learning.”

Virginia’s son-in-law describes her as someone “under whose feet moss doesn’t grow,” due to her active lifestyle filled with volunteering, avid reading, and gardening. Her remarkable story is a testament to the power of lifelong learning and the impact one person can have on the world.